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Club Frequently Asked Questions! (FAQs) 

Q: What is the process for creating a club at our high school?

A: Please go to the 'Request a Club' page of this website. The steps are outlined for you there. 

Q: Who can start a club, and can it be started by students, teachers, or both?

A: Clubs can be introduced and started by both teachers and students. However, students are required to act as leaders in every club. 

Q: Are there any specific guidelines or requirements for creating a club?

A: To start a club you must be a Da Vinci Connect student or teacher. Clubs should serve the school, local, national, or global community in some way. Clubs' focus can be academic, social, service, or a combination. 

Q: How do we choose a club advisor or sponsor, and what are their responsibilities?

A: To choose a club advisor, consider a teacher or counselor you are close to OR know have an interest in your club's focus. Advisors responsibilities vary club to club. Please note that all clubs are STUDENT driven and your advisor's role is to primarily support you in ways you agree upon based on your specific club.

Q: Is there a minimum or maximum number of members required to start a club?

A: A minimum of three members are required to start a club. Clubs can be as large Da Vinci Connect has the facilities for. Otherwise, club meetings will possible need to be held online to accomodate all members. 

Q: What is the timeline for club creation, and when can we expect approval?

A: Please allow Emma up to one week to approve your club and assign you your Learning Space & club meeting time. Once approved, you are welcome to start recuriting members and hold club meetings. 

Q: How do we reserve meeting spaces or rooms for club activities?

A: To reserve a space for recurring club meetings, please indicate which space you would like when you complete the 'DVCHS Club Request Form' provided by Emma. For single meetings or events, send Emma an email and she will help you coordinate a meeting location on campus. 

Q: What is the process for promoting and recruiting members for our club?

A: You may promote your club by giving presentations in advisory, creating flyers to promote your club and its sponored events. Clubs are also welcome to participate in Club Day. There will typically be one-two club days a semester.  

Q: Are there any rules or policies regarding the content or activities of the club?

Please review the Club Code of Contact page on this website for more information. 

Q: Can clubs host fundraisers or events on campus, and what is the procedure for this?

Yes! Clubs are welcome to host fundraising events on campus before, during, or after school. Clubs CAN collect cash for their fundarisers using a Da Vinci Connect designated cash-box. You can get one from Emma before your fundraiser. Food cannot be sold as fundraiser item within two hours of lunch. 

Q: What support or resources does the school provide for clubs?

The school provides you with a space to meet with your club memebers, host fundraiser, and supply you with basic supplies for events such as Club Day. All other supplies and/or equipment is NOT the responsibility for Da Vinci Connect to provide. All materials brought in by clubs must be in-line with school safety requirements and be appropriate to have on a school campus. 

Q: Are there any consequences for not adhering to the club guidelines or school policies?

Consequences include admin being alerted and contacting the relevent parents or guardians. Depending on the situtation, your club may be dissolved and can no longer meet or host events. 

Q: Can clubs collaborate or co-sponsor events with other clubs or organizations?

YES! Clubs are encourgaged to co-plan events. Clubs are also welcome to parter with local businesses for fundraisers, bring in public speakers to share ideas with your club, or partner with different organizations Emma's and your club advisor's permission. 

Q: How do we go about requesting funding or assistance for club-related activities?

Please tell Emma about your fundrasing at least TWO WEEKS in advance so that she can inform the Da Vinci school network. All schools with advertise for your club's event if you would like. Otherwise, Emma will help you coordinate your fundraising event. 

Q: Is there a process for club renewal each school year?

All clubs that have been approved in previous years are welcome to return. If a returning club has lost members or an advisor, please reach out to Emma for support. 

Q: Are there any opportunities for clubs to showcase their work or achievements?

Yes, but it depends. We share all of the spaces on our campus so we need to be mindful not to put up anything that will interfere with what teachers would like to do in their classroom or future club activities. 

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